Thursday 25 October 2012

Finished Contents page

Finished Contents page

This is my finished contents page for my magazine cover; I have left the 'Altora Sequarmur' and 'Aim High' in black writing as I feel that it stands out better like this. I made the Mast head bold, which I have found makes it stand out alot better than it did before; allowing me to keep the colours, red and white. I have made the background blue and kept the stars on it; I find that this makes the contents link to my cover because of the stars and I also feel that the blue along with the stars makes the background seem interesting, yet do not take the viewers eyes away from the text. I have the text centred in the middle of the page; making it the main focus of the page and I have also included a small sentence under each page heading, this sentence is in italic so that the viewers realise it is a description. I have included the page number that the articles are on next to the name of the articles, so that the viewer does not have to read the sub heading if they do not want to, it also makes it alot easier for the viewer to get to the page they want.
I included some more articles in the contents as I felt that there was not enough and that the magazine would be to small with only six articles. I added; 'Games', 'Goodbye', 'Welcome' and 'New clubs for next term'- these articles would bulk the magazine out and I also feel that they would also be supported by my audience; as I had input from a few sixth formers who suggested the 'Welcome'
 and 'Goodbye' articles.
Overall I feel that my contents page is successful, however I feel that it still looks quite student made and when doing my music magazine I am going to make sure that I go for and get the more professional look.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Contents page (Part 1)

Contents page (Part 1)

I have begun adding my photographs to my plain mock contents page. I have also added an image of the Bevaerwood school badge to the top of the Page, however I was faced with some difficulties of the badge having a white background. To resolve this I opened the image in photo shop, removed the background and saved it a a .png, this allowed me to add the image to my contents page without it having the white background behind it;
This is the badge before I removed the background and the text that was underneath it, I have given it a blue border so that you can see the badge has a white background.
 This shows the badge with the background removed on photo shop, the image below shows what it now looks like on my contents page; however the edges of the beaver wood badge are quite fuzzy where I have removed it from the background, I cannot do anything about this so when I do my music magazine I will make sure that I use images where the background is already removed.
I now have to change the colour of the font, the main background and also have to think about how I am going to have my articles on the page; they will go in the middle but I need to think about centring them etc.
This is my contents masthead in the colours; red and white, I like how the red stands out but I feel that the white is a little to light and does blend in to the background quite a bit so I am going to also try having the white letters green; to try and make the mast head stand out alot better.
I also feel that if I changed the style of font this would make the mast head stand out and also make the entire page more eye catching.
Background Ideas:
I have gone on to and have been looking for different background images I could use. I have decided on this snow-y one which I feel may make the page more eye catching and interesting;
I do not like how the background looks on this page as I feel that there is to much blue on the page and it draws away the viewers attention.
I have had the idea that I could put gold stars, like the ones on the front cover, in the background instead of the blue snow flakes. I would only have three I think, so that it is not over-whelming, they would behind the list of articles and would also overlap the photographs to make the page flow better.
I quite like the use of the stars on the page as I feel that it really links to my cover- however now I feel that it is still a little plain in the background and I have decided that maybe I should make the background a lighter blue than the border.
I also think that once I put the articles on the background it`ll make the background look less bare;
I feel that the background is better looking now and that it doesn`t look as bare; all I have to do now is change the colour of the mast head and the school`s motto. I also have to add my articles in to the page and my contents will be completed.
I still feel at this stage that my cover and contents are looking more like student created magazines and are lacking the professionalism needed, so when creating my music magazine I am going to thoroughly look in to the layout of the magazines so that the magazine I create will actually look like it is one of the top branded magazines, I feel that this would also help it 'sell' better on the shop shelves.
 My next post should include the finishing touches applied to my contents and also the finished contents itself; I will then underneath the finsihed contents write a little summary of what I like/ dislike about it. After this I will post both my contents and my cover together.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Finished Cover...

Finished Cover

This cover shows how I have resolved the issue of the article text not showing up against the background by putting gold stars behind it, this makes the text stand out more and also draws the readers eye to the articles. I have also used the 'Z' rule when designing this cover. I have also kept the red and white 'Christmas Edition' writing, I was going to change the colours of this font but found that it did not work as well as the white and red and made the text look out of place. I feel that my cover is a success as it shows off my theme well whilst still looking like a school magazine.  
The colours I have used represent Christmas well, however it was harder to make the text stand out on my cover because the colours are quite light. I had to change my colour theme from red, gold and green to Red and white, I also managed to incorporate some green in to the text colours so that I was meeting my audiences expectations. I also found myself using alot more blue in the cover than I first planned, this is because when I edited the photograph I had to give it a blue tint to make it appear colder in the image. I then also found that using a gold border with the blue tint didn`t go very well and I ended up also using a light blue border which I feel connotes the coldness of a winters day.
I used the font style 'Century Gothic' for the articles and mast head, I feel that I should have used a different font to make it seem more professional, although I feel that the font style does work with the overall magazine cover.
If I were to re-do the magazine I would have included an image of the school logo in one of the top corners because I feel that although it is an internal school magazine I feel that it would look alot better and more professional with the school`s logo in the top corner. I also feel that the overall look of the magazine is quite unprofessional, I feel that this is because of the colours used and also because of the border. I feel that I could have made it look more professional if I had used different fonts and also instead of using the gold stars I had used a white coloured text box, however this would also be taking away from my theme and would make the cover look less like a Christmas Edition.
Overall I feel that my magazine is a success in meeting my targets expectations and connoting the theme of Christmas, However I, myself, feel that it doesn`t look like a professional magazine and I am going to take what I have learnt from doing this task in to the making of my Music magazine. I am also going to make sure that my music magazine looks more professional when finished and I will also be double checking it against real life music brand magazines (e.g. Kerrang) to make sure I am on the right track.

Friday 12 October 2012

Finishing the Cover (Part 1)

Finishing the Cover (Part 1)

These are the finishing stages of the cover; I have started to add all the small details to the magazine.
Here are the two different photographs that I used to create covers with, I have decided that I am using the top cover as I feel that the image works best.
I like how this cover has the border around it; I feel that this helps the image stand out more. I also like the composition of the cover- I like how the date and masthead look on the cover, however I feel that the 'Christmas Edition' text is a little hard to see because its red on red - I think I will change this slightly so that it stands out more. I like how the articles are arranged, however the green is very hard to see, so I will need to think about changing the colour of the text so that it stands out. I have tried to use the 'Z' rule, drawing the eye in a 'Z' like pattern down the page. I have also realised that I have not exactly stuck to my audience`s feedback; they wanted a colour scheme of Red, Green and Gold, however I have used Blue, Green and Red so I have changed it slightly, But I have done this so that the text stands out on the page. I feel that I need to change the font style that the text is in as I feel that it still looks like a student magazine and I want mine to look as professional as possible.
I also need to change the size of the mast head, as at the moment the 'Free' at the bottom is larger than it and although in a way this is good that it is drawing attention to the fact it is free, its also bad because its drawing attention away from the rest of the cover; making the photograph and masthead seem pointless.

This is the cover that I do not want to use, I do not like the colour of the border as I feel that it draws attention away from the image as it is quite a bright gold colour. I also do not like how the 'Christmas Edition' blends in to my models hat, however I like how the mast head stands out against the background. I also feel that the gold border makes the photograph seem more summer themed than Christmas.
I am now going to take my First cover I made (top of post) and I am going to make a few more changes to make the text really stand out of the page.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Contents page Photographs

Contents page Photographs

These are the photographs that I took for my contents page;
These are the photographs that I took for the 'photography and art competition' article;

This is the first Image that I took; I planned to take this image before hand; however now that I have seen the results I feel that the photograph is way to busy; taking away the main focus from the models within the photograph. I feel that I should have used a white or black backdrop instead of a class room setting for this photo shoot. I also find that the models are to far apart and it is hard to see them both, I also feel that it doesn`t promote the theme of Christmas even though my models are wearing the Santa hat and the tinsel; I feel this is because the photograph is to busy and it is hard to make out the models.
As I felt that the photograph above was to busy, I then took this one;
 This photograph is of one of my models looking through a camera at the viewer; I feel that this photograph is alot better than the image above because the viewer can clearly see that she is wearing a Santa hat and tinsel; promoting the tinsel theme. I also feel that this connotes more of a 'Photography' as the viewer can see that my model is holding a camera. However I feel that this only connotes the photography part of the competition and doesn't seem to speak 'Art' so I feel that I will have to adapt my article to just a 'Photography' competition.
 Overall I feel that I will be using the bottom photograph on my contents page as I feel that this is the better composed one of the two.

Photographs of a Group of friends:
These are three of the photographs that I took for my contents page, I feel that these were the best out of the lot that I took. I am now going to narrow it down to one photograph to put on to my contents page. I took the photographs as an action shot;
 I like this photograph as I have captured all my models smiling. I also like how my models are interacting with the books and also each other.  I feel that even though the background is quite busy, it sums up what they are doing; they are in one of the art rooms looking at each other`s art sketch books. I also have used the tinsel and Santa hat in the photographs to again present the theme Christmas.
 This is my favourite of the three photographs, this is because I feel that the angle I have taken the image at makes the viewer feel that they are actually there, sitting next to the girl on the right. I also  have used a shallow depth of field and I feel that this keeps the focus of the photograph on my models. I also like how the viewer can see some of the art work in the background and I feel that this further connotes that my models are studying together. I also like how I have captured my models smiling, I feel that this really represents the mood of happiness and creates a good impression of the school for the viewer.

This is my least favourite of the three photographs, this is because of the angle and distance I have taken he photograph at- the viewers attention is drawn straight to the back of the class room, where they can see the sink and the bin in the class room. I also do not like the way one of my models is behind another; making it difficult for the viewer to see her.

Overall I feel that the photograph I am going to use is the middle image; this is because I feel that it is the best composed and also best connotes the ideas of the school I am trying to get across. I also like the way the props are positioned in that certain image and feel that it best presents my theme of Christmas.
I am now going to start completing my cover and contents page and put them all together; I will be uploading print screens of how I am completing the Cover first; before moving on to finish the contents page. I will then post the finished peices on here.


Wednesday 10 October 2012

Beaverwood In the snow

Beaverwood In the snow

These photographs I took last year are of Beaverwood in the snow, I think that I would like to use a couple on my contents page. I feel that this would also surport that my magazine is themed around Christmas.
The photographs;
 I feel that this photograph is the best out of all the four that I have taken. This is because in this photograph the viewer can clearly see the art block with the snow falling from the sky; I feel that this connotes a feel of peace and also beauty for the school and may make it appeal to the viewers more.
I also feel that this photograph is composed better; this is because there is no bin in the shot.
I would like to use this on my contents page in one of the corners, however I feel that the viewers may miss this photograph as the background of my contents page is going to be white or a light colour, so I may need to outline the photograph with a dark blue border to make it stand out better.

 I like this photograph as I feel it would stand out against the background of my contents page however I feel that the quality of the photo is not very good and I feel that this takes away the dramtic and beautiful affect of seeing the school in the snow.

This is the last of my photographs that I took, I like this one because it is a wide range shot, where the viewer can see alot of the shcool covered in a blanket of snow, I feel that this connotes beauty and will make the school appeal more to the readers as they may not have ever seen the school in the snow.  I feel that the bins in the picture partly takes away the dramatic affect, however I could remove the bins by cropping them out. 
Overall I would like to use either the first or last photograph of Beaverwood in the snow, I feel that this is because I like the compostion more in these two particular photographs and I also feel their quality is better than the centre one. I am going to try the two photographs I have picked on my contents page, I will then ask my audience which photograph they feel is best within the magazine.

Contents page Photoshoot Plan

Contents page Photo shoot Plan

I am planning to do my photo shoot sometime this week, or next week. I have decided I want these particular photographs to be of groups of students, I feel that this will contrast with my cover photograph and also connote that the school is very good academically but is also an equally good place to meet new people and make friends. I am going to use my model that I used for my front cover in these group photographs, I feel this will further support what I want to get across to my audience.
However in one of my photographs I am going to use a different model, as it will be for the photography/ art competition,  and the model I am going to use for this photograph is a photography student so I feel that this will support the idea of the competition and inspire the readers who would potentially enter the competition, however I have also realised that this may also put readers off from entering the competition as they may not feel good enough or may think they need to be a photography student to enter the competition; to stop this idea from reaching my audience I think I am going to have the text 'Anyone Can Enter!' somewhere across the photograph. I will take this photograph in the photography room as this supports the 'photography and art' competition.
I have not decided where I am going to do the photo shoot, but I have a few ideas for

-Sitting together on the steps by reception;
This would be a great place to do the photographs as it will show off more of the school, however as I would like to use close up shots of my models I will not actually get very much of the school in the background. I could layer photographs together to over come this difficulty but I feel that this will make the magazine appear more student-made as when I researched school magazines, I found that the student made ones tended to have layered photographs in.

-In the common room
This would be an exceptionally good place to take the photographs in, I find this because it is the sixth forms own personal space, so the magazine would appeal more to them. I also find that this place would work well in an action shot, as I could have bug group of students sitting together talking; however this may make the photograph look to busy and also take away the meaning of them studying with friends as it may just look like they are all just talking to one another. The common room is also always very busy, except from in the mornings before school and after period 7. This would mean that I would be unable to take the photographs because of how busy the room is and I would also have to find a day where everyone can come in either early, or stay later which would be an almost impossible task- for all my chosen models have extremely different time tables. I have thought about choosing new models but I feel that the ones I have chosen will work the best because they are a close group of friends and are always helping each other study or studying themselves, I also feel that they would connote what I am trying to get across in my magazine photographs and I feel they will also inspire others. I feel that the common room will be a hard place to get an image in; so I may have to use an empty class room instead, which I feel will give the impression they are studying together in one certain lesson.

-Out side sixth form block
This will also be a great place to take photographs from, However like I said before the common room is always very busy; meaning that students are likely to be in and out of the block all the time; making it hard to get a professional shot. On the other hand this would help if I would want to get an action-shot photograph as It would give the viewer the impression and feel that others are moving around the modelling group of people, I feel that this will also engage the readers more as they will get a real life shot of what was happening at that specific time in the common room.

Facial expressions and Gesture codes...
In my group photographs I would like them to be talking amongst themselves and/or looking down at their folders/ texts books or looking at each other; this is because I feel that, again, this would also further the meaning of the photographs (The school is a great place for study & friends) I would also like my main model to be in the image; I was thinking perhaps having her in the centre making it seem like she is the popular one of the group; however I don`t want to connote to outsiders of the magazine that they have to be popular or be in a big group of friends in sixth form.

I feel that the angle is very important in these photos, this is because I want the viewer to feel like they are part of the group in the image; So I want to take the photo from a straight-on point of view, capturing the models from waist up.

Evaluation of Ideas;
-One of my model`s will be looking through a camera taking a photograph- this will include my Christmas props, perhaps on a person that my model is taking a photograph of, this will be for my photography competition article.
-My models will be together around a table, studying and working and also interacting with each other and the Christmas props. This will be just be connoting the main feel I want to get across to my viewers/ readers.


Tuesday 9 October 2012

Contents page Mocks

Contents page Mocks

I have now also began to mock up my contents page, I have yet to take the photographs for them and will do so this week, I also want to include a photograph of the school in snow on te contents page.
This is my first contents page mock up:
I don`t excatly like the layout of this page, this is because there are alot of empty spaces around the page which I feel is going to be a waste of space, I could make more use of this space by filling it with smaller photographs or other articles. I feel that I could also fill this space with christmas images; or a christmas border however I feel that this would give the mgazine a student made look and would take away the proffesional look to the rest of the magazine. I would like to use the school logo on the contents page and will do so at the top of the page.
I also only have seven articles, which will not take up very much space at all, I feel that I will have to change alot of this mock up when creating my actual contents page as I feel that there is so much space wasted on this page.
I could use the two spaces at the top of the page; the left one and the right one, and fill these with more christmas images.
I have found two images on, which I used to experiment with what my contents page would look like with photographs on it.
I quite like what my page looks like with the photographs on it, however I am still concerned abput what I am going to do with the spaces at the side. After thinking about this, I have found that I could put the school`s motto on either side;
On the left side I could have it in Latin;
'Altiora Sequamur'
Wheras on the right side I could have it in english;
'Aim High'
(This is what it would look like on my contents page;)
I am really starting to like the way my contents page has developed, I am going to keep the idea of having the school motto down the sides to fill the empty space; however I feel that the page still looks quite blank, I feel that I may have to change the colour of the background- However I will change it to a ligh colour (e.g. A light Blue) to stay with my theme as Blue is associated with cold and cold is with christmas, I also feel that this also fits in well with the school, as their main colours include Blue.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Language, Colours and Fonts...?

Language, Colours and Fonts...?

Today in class we have had presentations on;
Colours, Fonts, camera angles and language & Register.
As I have already taken my photographs and know what angles I want to take my group ones from and haven`t changed my mind on the angles/ how I want to take them and, I have decided not to write about the camera angles.
However I was thinking about the colour of my fonts that I am going to use on my finished magazine cover and contents page. I know that using a background, such as red with black font will be hard to read and detter my potential buyers and my target audience. I have decided that the best idea would be to use a light coloured background with a dark coloured fint; so that this will be easy to read. Also as my theme is Christmas I have to take in to account what colours would be most 'readable' on the backgrounds. I am going to use various shades of Green, Red and Black colours for my texts and need to make sure that they stand out on my backgrounds.
I also have to take into account what trype of fonts I am going to use for my magazine; ie. San serif fonts would be best for a magazine cover as they are blocky and will stand out better than fonts that have long flicks on each of the letters. I have also learn`t that the style of fonts used can affect how formal/ informal my magazine looks to my readers.

This font style would be seen on a magazine cover as it is bold, easy to read by all and would catch peoples attention quickly,
Whereas this font style is harder to read and not as bold; so people would miss it, if it were on the cover of a magazine.
I will have to make sure that I am consistent with the style of language I use within my magazine because this could effect how my viewers/ readers register/ recieve the magazine. I want to go for a formal styled magazine as I feel that the magazine should be somewhere the readers can go to for advice; however one of my articles is 'Sixthform common room gossip' so I will have to use a less formal language style for this article however I will need to make sure that it fits in with the feel of the magazine and doesnt seem out of place. 

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Magazine Mocks

Magazine Mocks (-Photographs)

I have begun to mock my magazine cover; I have created a plain mock so that I can see where I would like everything to go when creating my final cover.
This also allows me to move everything around when adding my photograph/s to the background, I like the layout of this cover and have decided what photograph I would like to be the background. I have a border around the photograph because I feel that this will help make the magazine stand out and I also think that the colour of the border will also show the theme of the magazine. I have used the 'Z' rule, so that the viewers eyes are drawn in a 'Z' formation down the cover, I feel that this makes my magazine cover look more proffesional and more like a real magazine.
 I have decided that I will also try editting my photograph further so that it really shows my christmas theme.
Mock with photograph (edit)
This is my plain mock cover with my chosen, editted photograph in the background, I like how the image looks with the writting around it, however I have noticed a few issues with using this photograph;
-In the bottom right corner, the black text cannot be seen, so I will have to change the fonts colour to white.
-The Title of the magazine is going in to my models hat- This will affect my text if I was to write in a red colour and it would also draw my readers attention away from the title, to solve this I will have to bring the image down, so that the mast head goes over the top of my model.
-There is alot of tree in this image and not alot of my model, I can solve this by moving the photograph over slightly so that my model takes up more of the cover instead of the tree dominating the page or I could include more articles in to this space, which will take my readers attention away from the tree.
Mock with photograph 2 (Edit)
I decided to use a different photograph all together as the one I used in my first photo mock couldn`t be moved around on the cover. This photograph has been edited to make it look more like a cold decembers day. I have found that this photograph works better and solves the issues of the tree dominating the photograph and the mast head going across my models hat, however I now relize that with this photograph the black text is harder to see, but I am going to try and keep my font to the Christmas colours which my audience voted for, red, green and gold.
In these photographs my model has a very serious facial expression and she is studying which contrasts heavily with the fact she is wearing tinsel and a santa hat, I have donw this because I want the viewers to get the impression that the school is fun and exciting however it is very serious about the education that its students recieve. I am going to incoperate and try to connote this with/ through my cover lines so that it is clear to the reader.
I am now going to use the second mock, I was originally set on using the photograph in the first mock but have realized that that photograph is not an appropriate choice for my magazine cover. I am now going to start adding on details to my secound mock and experiment with the colours of the font and border to see what works best with this photograph.


Mode Of Address

Mode Of Address

In class today, we looked at the 'mode of address' for magazines and also some video/ advertisement clips.
We watched a few advertisement clips for WKD and what they present to their audience and what is suggested in the advertisement to make us think this. This task then got us to think further about:
-Who our magazine is aimed at and what they particularly want for the magazine.
-How we wish to represent the school to our target audience and why,
and also
- The ways in which we plan to communicate these values and ideas to our target audence.
I feel that I have made it clear who my target audience are, the sixthform, and what they want from my magzine; I did so in my Questionnaire results
However I know that I haven`t explained how I want to represent the school and why I want to represent them that way. I would like to show that the school is a great place to be and a good place to make friends but I want to show that it is also a great place that teenagers that have left school could continue their studies. I want this to be represented in my photographs and my overall magazine because I find that I would also like to make a good impression for the school incase external teenagers or parents see the magazine. I also want the students who get the magazine to get a good impression of the school, even though they already go there.
I started to think about the way I could communicate this across to my audience. The ideas that I have;
I have already started to capture how I want to represent the school in my front cover photographs and I need to continue this when taking my group images. I also need to consider my layout if I want to represent a good image of the school.
These are just some thought I had on the 'Mode of Address'.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Photographs of my model

Photographs of my model

Over the past week I started to take photographs of my model for the font cover image of my magazine. As my theme is Christmas I used props related to this theme. When I asked my target audience about the props, they responded saying they would most relate Tinsel, snow and a Santa hat with Christmas, however I could not get snow in the photograph, so I used both of the other props with my model in the photograph.  
These are four photographs I took of my model, I feel that these are the best out of all the images I took and I am now going to rule out my ultimate favourite.
 I decided to try different camera angles in attempt to get a duller look to the background, as the magazine is to be themed around Christmas, yet keep the vibrant to the images, I found that this was very difficult to achieve and I then decided that I would have to edit the image to get the Christmas, cold, December feel to the image.
  My favourite out of these four photographs is the bottom right image, I feel this is because I like how it is composed; I like how my model is standing- casual, leaning against the tree, giving it a sense of peace and freedom to the image which contrasts with her formal clothing overall creating the feeling that the school is a great, relaxing place to be. I also like how my model is looking at the folder in her hands, the viewer is drawn to follow her gaze, which leads them to the Beaver wood school badge, highlighting that the magazine is for Beaver wood sixth form pupils.
My least favourite of the images is the bottom right image; this is because the model is looking at the camera. I like how the model is smiling and creating a relaxed happy atmosphere however I feel that this will take the viewers focus away from the folder in her hand and to her face; something that I wasn`t aiming to create within the photograph. However I do like the angle that I have taken this photograph from.
I feel that, in the top two, I have taken the photograph from the wrong angles as the viewer cannot see what the sixth former is looking at; making the folder seem pointless in the image, however because my magazine is for internal school release, it does not matter about the beaver wood badge- But I would still like to have this shown in the photograph. I have decided that I do not want to use these two photographs for that simple reason. I have also noticed that in the top left image, the sun is extremely bright in the background and I feel that even using a filter on the image will not let me get that cold, winter night feel.
So, the photograph I like the best is the bottom right one, I feel that this is the best image to use for my magazine cover and I also started testing filters on the image and found that they work very nicely on that particular image. I used a transparent blue filter on the image to get the winter feel. I have put the original image next to the edited one to show the difference. I feel that this filter has got me the effect that I wanted; however I am going to experiment more with the edited image to try and further that winter`s day feel.



I will also be trying filters on some of my other photographs and also different filters on the image above, which I will upload soon.
I will also be taking my group photographs soon, which I would like to have interacting with the tinsel and Santa hat, studying or having a conversation with each other. I will also like to include some photographs of the school in snow, which I took last year when It snowed heavily. I will also upload these soon.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Magazine annotation table

Magazine annotation table

This is my completed magazine table, I have annotated three other covers within the table and have also put my own ideas into the table and what ideas my chosen audience have given me.
The three example magazine covers I used:
Example 1:
This magazine is a student made magazine; I felt that this magazine was very different to the proffesional one and decided I would like to look at a wider range of school magazines to get more ideas and a feel for what else I could include on my cover.
Example 2:
This is a Beaverwood school magazine, which is also student made, however they have gone for a more proffesional approach and it also looks like a newspaper layout.

 Example 3:
This is a proffesional magazine, which I feel contrasts heavily in details and typical magazine conventions with the other two student made magazines.



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Magazine contents page reseach cont.


Magazine contents page reseach continued

This is another magazine cover I came across whilst searching contents pages on the web, however this one has actually been made by the school staff unlike the others I found which were made by students and were of a less professional quality. I instantly like this contents page as I find that the layout is very professional, eye catching and also interesting. I like the way that the contents page is laid out, the way the articles have been listed and each have an individual comment underneath them. I also feel that this magazine cover is aimed at both parents and students; as it has information about 'new uniform', mostly aimed at parents, (even though the title of the page is 'welcome back students') - so they know what their child needs for school, and then they have straight after, 'Worried? Stressed?' I feel that this has been aimed at the students who are going through their GCSE`s, A-Levels or are just having a hard time in general.
The colour scheme of this contents page is very basic, plain white with purple headings I feel that this makes it seem more professional as there are not loud, contrasting colours jumping out of the page at the viewer/reader. I am going to think about this when creating my contents and cover page because  want mine to be of a professional quality and not like it has been created by a lower year student.
I also like the use of photographs on the contents page, they are relevant to certain articles within the magazine and have the page numbers on the image, so the reader can find the articles, that go with the images, instantly.
Overall I like this contents page, I feel that it does look professional, however I am put off by the lack of colour and feel that this contents page would have benefited from some kind of border- I will be thinking about things, as simple as this, when creating my own contents page. 

Friday 21 September 2012

Magazine Contents Pages


Magazine Contents Pages

As I have decided what is now going on my front cover and what articles I am going to include within the magazine, I have begun to research school magazine contents pages; to get an idea of what I need to be creating and what the overall layout should be similar to.



These are two of the covers that I came across. I picked these two as they are very different from one another; the one on the right is very colourful and although it does have a structure, it seems less structured than the one on the left. I personally prefer the one on the right, I feel this is because it is clear and looks very professional. I also like how they have the school badge in the bottom left corner and also have pictures above and below the text. With my magazine contents page, I would like to include how they have laid it out although I would change it slightly to fit  my theme. I like how the magazine on the right also has photographs from around school on the page; I would like to include some photos of the school in the magazine so I will need to think about where I can get these from; however I think I have some images of the school in snow from previous years, so I could use these as well as photographs I am going to take now.

This is another magazine contents page that I found online, I like how this one has information about the different articles underneath the headings; I feel that this is a good way to draw the readers into reading different articles; instead of just flicking past them to the ones they want to read. I also like the way they have used their colour scheme on this contents, changing the colour of the numbers - I think I would like to include this in my magazine contents, having the numbers of the pages alternate colours; red, green, red, green etc.
However on this contents, I have noticed there are no page numbers, only the numbers on the left hand side, which seem to be the order of the articles. On my contents I am going to make sure I write the page numbers in as without them I feel that the readers will get confused as to finding the article they want to read; otherwise they are going to have to just flick through until the find the right one, which, no doubt, ca become very annoying and may cause the readers to get bored and stop reading.
I was looking at all of the magazine covers together and noticed that two of them have 'Top ten revision tips' at the start of their magazine (Top right and bottom middle). I feel that this is because they are considered as one of the most important articles in the magazine. I also noticed that the 'competition' and 'Horoscope' articles are nearer the bottom of the contents page; maybe suggesting that they are less important than the ones closer to the top. I am going to take this in to account hen creating my contents and I will come up with a structure that has the most important articles at the top (the front of the magazine) and the less important articles nearer the bottom (the back of the magazine).
Overall I feel my research was a success and I am looking forward to creating my magazine contents page and will continue to research deeper in to what needs to be included and also the layout of the contents. I will also carry my knowledge through the school magazine and also in to the music magazine I am going to create later on in the year.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Magazine Conventions

Magazine Conventions

I searched 'Magazine Cover conventions' a website called The conventions I found in the slide were;
-Mast head
-Main featured article
-Free posters (if the magazine was brought)
-Main picture/ Featured article pictures
-More articles that the magazine will feature
-A banner including the actors that will be featured in the magazine
I have found out that these make up a magazine cover and help the viewer/ buyer see what is in the magazine without actually looking in it. I also see that they have used a lure, of free posters, to further entice the viewers in to buying the magazine. I feel that all magazines need to have this to show the readers what is it, I have also noticed that most magazines do, in fact have these certain conventions. I have also noticed that without one of these certain conventions the magazine may not do as well as it could do; e.g. If there were no information about articles in the magazine on the front cover people may not stop to look through the magazine and therefore not buy it.
I am going to use these in both of my magazine tasks, however I feel that some of them I may not need in my school magazine i.e A banner about the actors that would be featured in the magazine, however I could possibly change this to what students and teachers are featured in the magazine.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Models & Mise en Scene

Models & Mise en Scene

Today I am going to be thinking about who to use as my model, ie. groups of people, just one person? and what my overall magazine cover is going to look like.

Photographs for the magazine...

I would like to only have one student on the cover as I feel that I want the audience to be focusing on one thing and I also find that because she is studying it may be best if she was by herself so that she wouldn`t be getting distracted, it may also show the audience that you don`t have to just study in groups. However in my other photographs for the magazine, I would like to have a few group pictures, just to show that Christmas and school are about friendship. I also feel that having group photograph will also help portray the school better, showing that it has a good atmosphere and is a friendly place to be.
For my front cover I would like to have my model sitting or standing against the tree in the quad, as she is a sixth former I will need to think about her having some thing with the Beaver wood badge on, and I would like her to e studying. I am going to get my model to have some silver/ blue tinsel around her neck and hopefully have her wearing a Santa hat. I have decided against trying to get some fake snow as It cannot be purchased at this point in the year and I am not going to have much of the background in focus in anyway as I am going to use a shallow depth of field when taking the photograph. I will have my model holding a text book or folder, hopefully I will be able to get one with the Beaver wood logo on and I am going to have her looking in to the text book smiling, to show that she is enjoying what she is studying. I am going to take the picture looking at the side view of my model so that I can see the side of her face and that she is smiling.
In the other photographs I am going to use some of the other locations around school, then I will have groups and single people sitting around with tinsel and Santa hats to carry on my theme of Christmas. I will hopefully also have them giving each other Christmas presents.
I hope to take my photographs at some point this week or by next week at the latest, this means that today I need to speak to my models and arrange when to take the photograph and also who can bring in a the props if I cannot get one of them.

Magazine Cover layout...

This is how I would like my cover to be layed out, I will explain in more detail below the illustration of the front cover.


In this drawing, I have shown that my border will be gold and that my title will be red and green, this is keeping with what my audience want as the colour scheme and also keeping with the theme of Christmas. I would like to have the photograph of my model taking up most of the space on the cover as I feel that this would draw more attention to my magazine, I feel that it will also show the theme that I picked better as well, as my model will be wearing tinsel and a Santa hat. I also think that in the top right hand corner of the magazine I will put an image of the Beaver wood badge on there, this is so that it is clear that it is a Beaver wood magazine and not for just any school.
 I am looking forward to starting to design my magazine as I am really enjoying planning it and cannot wait to see the final outcome!!

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

I gave out my Questionnaire to 15 people, who are 6th formers, these are the results that I have gotten from the handing out questionnaires.


Q1. What do you think is the best name for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were asked to choose one answer from the four that were listed.
In my results I can see that a majority of people would like the magazine to have the name ‘The Daily B’, so this will be the name for my magazine. I feel that this will show that I am creating the magazine to my audience`s wants/expectations.

Q2. What would you be willing to pay for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were again asked to pick one answer from the four that were listed.

From my results I can see that most people will only be willing to take the magazine if it is free. I think that I will have to make my magazine Christmas edition free as this would attract more people to take the magazine. However I could have it so that if other editions of the magazine were to be published, they could cost 50p.
Q3. What articles would you like to see in a school magazine?
        - For this question I listed seven different options and allowed my audience to pick more than one option as there will be more than one article listed on the contents page and in the magazine.
 From my results I can see that the most popular article that people would like to see in the magazine is ‘Teacher/ Student gossip’ I will defiantly be including this I n my magazine as I feel it will draw most people in to taking the magazine. The second most popular choice was ‘Exam tips’, I think this is another definite article to go in to the magazine as it will not only draw them into it but it will also help them with their studies and exams. ‘Term dates’ is a popular choice, however not as popular as the first two, I think that maybe one page could be included with this information on as even though not as many people picked it, I feel that it is vital information that should be in any school magazine. ‘Art/ Photography and Tech work’ along with ‘Changes’ around school were two of the less popular articles, I am going to think whether I should add these in over the next few weeks, however I feel that I would like to include peoples work in the magazine to inspire others to do well in their subjects as well. The least popular choices are ‘Horoscopes’ and ‘GCSE results’ I do not think I will be including these in the magazine as not many people think they are that interesting although I feel that some people might benefit from having their horoscopes in the back as it would add to the fun and informal feel of the magazine.
Q4. I have chosen the theme Christmas for my magazine, what colour scheme would               you most associate with Christmas?
-          For this question I asked the people to pick one of the four answer, however if they were to pick the forth option I would need them to state what they felt would be best as the colour scheme.

From this I can see that the colour scheme that was chose most was ‘Red and Gold’, I will be now using this as my colour scheme as I also feel that they are the best colours that represent Christmas, however red and green come in as a close second, so I think that I will use red and green for my contents page.
Only one person stated ‘Other’ and they wrote down ‘Red, Green and Gold’ so I feel that by making my cover themed Red and Gold and my contents page themed red and green I will be meeting nearly all of my audiences wants/ expectations from the magazine.


Q5. What would you most associate with Christmas?

       I asked my audience to pick one of the four options of what they thought most represented Christmas, the two most popular choices are the ones that I will try and include when taking my images for the magazine.
I can see that the two most popular choices are ‘Tinsel’ and ‘Snow’, ‘A Santa hat’ ranks third whereas, surprisingly, no one picked ‘Presents’. I will defiantly include Tinsel when taking my images as this is extremely easy to get hold of, however I`m going to have an issue with creating the effect of snow, as it doesn`t snow this time of year. I think that I will have to either get some fake snow from somewhere or I will have to result to using the third option, ‘A Santa hat’ which is also very easy to get hold of, yet I will try my very best to meet what my audience want and get some fake snow.
Q6. Would you like to have the chance to get free text books within the magazines?
            -I asked my audience to tick a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, depending on their own individual answer to the question.

Here, I can see that 100% of my audience said ‘Yes’ they would like to have the chance to get free texts books, so this will defiantly be within my magazine somewhere, however obviously the school or any shop cannot just give out 1000 free texts books, so I will probably have to make it in to a competition and have 5 winners get free texts books so that the school doesn’t start to lose a lot of money.
Q7. Would you like the chance to enter different subject competitions?
-          I asked my audience if they would like to be able to enter different subject competitions, for prizes and if they picked ‘Yes’ I asked them what competitions they would like to enter would be.
From this chart, I can see that most people said ‘No’, they wouldn`t enter competitions, however a lot of people also said ‘Yes’, they would enter competitions put in to the magazines, this creates the idea that I could combine the ‘Free text book’ idea with this Competition idea. A majority of people said that they would enter the competition if it was photography, however Dance, Drama and Ict also got one vote each, so I would probably chose to do a photograph competition as I feel that this would allow anyone to take part; you don`t have to be a photography student to take a picture and It can be done with Phones and iPods as well as DSLR and compact cameras.
Examples of my returned questionnaires
Here are two of my returned questionnaires which I scanned in to the computer to post on my blog. These questionnaires show that I have listened to what my audience want and have also been fair to everyone when analysing my results.


I feel that so far, my research is going well and I am going to try to carry on my research by looking at different layouts for my magazine in detail. I also feel that I am going to be able to meet my audience expectations with my finished magazine and I cannot wait to start designing and thinking about doing a music magazine in the future.