Friday 12 October 2012

Finishing the Cover (Part 1)

Finishing the Cover (Part 1)

These are the finishing stages of the cover; I have started to add all the small details to the magazine.
Here are the two different photographs that I used to create covers with, I have decided that I am using the top cover as I feel that the image works best.
I like how this cover has the border around it; I feel that this helps the image stand out more. I also like the composition of the cover- I like how the date and masthead look on the cover, however I feel that the 'Christmas Edition' text is a little hard to see because its red on red - I think I will change this slightly so that it stands out more. I like how the articles are arranged, however the green is very hard to see, so I will need to think about changing the colour of the text so that it stands out. I have tried to use the 'Z' rule, drawing the eye in a 'Z' like pattern down the page. I have also realised that I have not exactly stuck to my audience`s feedback; they wanted a colour scheme of Red, Green and Gold, however I have used Blue, Green and Red so I have changed it slightly, But I have done this so that the text stands out on the page. I feel that I need to change the font style that the text is in as I feel that it still looks like a student magazine and I want mine to look as professional as possible.
I also need to change the size of the mast head, as at the moment the 'Free' at the bottom is larger than it and although in a way this is good that it is drawing attention to the fact it is free, its also bad because its drawing attention away from the rest of the cover; making the photograph and masthead seem pointless.

This is the cover that I do not want to use, I do not like the colour of the border as I feel that it draws attention away from the image as it is quite a bright gold colour. I also do not like how the 'Christmas Edition' blends in to my models hat, however I like how the mast head stands out against the background. I also feel that the gold border makes the photograph seem more summer themed than Christmas.
I am now going to take my First cover I made (top of post) and I am going to make a few more changes to make the text really stand out of the page.

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