Thursday 4 October 2012

Language, Colours and Fonts...?

Language, Colours and Fonts...?

Today in class we have had presentations on;
Colours, Fonts, camera angles and language & Register.
As I have already taken my photographs and know what angles I want to take my group ones from and haven`t changed my mind on the angles/ how I want to take them and, I have decided not to write about the camera angles.
However I was thinking about the colour of my fonts that I am going to use on my finished magazine cover and contents page. I know that using a background, such as red with black font will be hard to read and detter my potential buyers and my target audience. I have decided that the best idea would be to use a light coloured background with a dark coloured fint; so that this will be easy to read. Also as my theme is Christmas I have to take in to account what colours would be most 'readable' on the backgrounds. I am going to use various shades of Green, Red and Black colours for my texts and need to make sure that they stand out on my backgrounds.
I also have to take into account what trype of fonts I am going to use for my magazine; ie. San serif fonts would be best for a magazine cover as they are blocky and will stand out better than fonts that have long flicks on each of the letters. I have also learn`t that the style of fonts used can affect how formal/ informal my magazine looks to my readers.

This font style would be seen on a magazine cover as it is bold, easy to read by all and would catch peoples attention quickly,
Whereas this font style is harder to read and not as bold; so people would miss it, if it were on the cover of a magazine.
I will have to make sure that I am consistent with the style of language I use within my magazine because this could effect how my viewers/ readers register/ recieve the magazine. I want to go for a formal styled magazine as I feel that the magazine should be somewhere the readers can go to for advice; however one of my articles is 'Sixthform common room gossip' so I will have to use a less formal language style for this article however I will need to make sure that it fits in with the feel of the magazine and doesnt seem out of place. 

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