Tuesday 2 October 2012

Mode Of Address

Mode Of Address

In class today, we looked at the 'mode of address' for magazines and also some video/ advertisement clips.
We watched a few advertisement clips for WKD and what they present to their audience and what is suggested in the advertisement to make us think this. This task then got us to think further about:
-Who our magazine is aimed at and what they particularly want for the magazine.
-How we wish to represent the school to our target audience and why,
and also
- The ways in which we plan to communicate these values and ideas to our target audence.
I feel that I have made it clear who my target audience are, the sixthform, and what they want from my magzine; I did so in my Questionnaire results
However I know that I haven`t explained how I want to represent the school and why I want to represent them that way. I would like to show that the school is a great place to be and a good place to make friends but I want to show that it is also a great place that teenagers that have left school could continue their studies. I want this to be represented in my photographs and my overall magazine because I find that I would also like to make a good impression for the school incase external teenagers or parents see the magazine. I also want the students who get the magazine to get a good impression of the school, even though they already go there.
I started to think about the way I could communicate this across to my audience. The ideas that I have;
I have already started to capture how I want to represent the school in my front cover photographs and I need to continue this when taking my group images. I also need to consider my layout if I want to represent a good image of the school.
These are just some thought I had on the 'Mode of Address'.

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