Wednesday 10 October 2012

Beaverwood In the snow

Beaverwood In the snow

These photographs I took last year are of Beaverwood in the snow, I think that I would like to use a couple on my contents page. I feel that this would also surport that my magazine is themed around Christmas.
The photographs;
 I feel that this photograph is the best out of all the four that I have taken. This is because in this photograph the viewer can clearly see the art block with the snow falling from the sky; I feel that this connotes a feel of peace and also beauty for the school and may make it appeal to the viewers more.
I also feel that this photograph is composed better; this is because there is no bin in the shot.
I would like to use this on my contents page in one of the corners, however I feel that the viewers may miss this photograph as the background of my contents page is going to be white or a light colour, so I may need to outline the photograph with a dark blue border to make it stand out better.

 I like this photograph as I feel it would stand out against the background of my contents page however I feel that the quality of the photo is not very good and I feel that this takes away the dramtic and beautiful affect of seeing the school in the snow.

This is the last of my photographs that I took, I like this one because it is a wide range shot, where the viewer can see alot of the shcool covered in a blanket of snow, I feel that this connotes beauty and will make the school appeal more to the readers as they may not have ever seen the school in the snow.  I feel that the bins in the picture partly takes away the dramatic affect, however I could remove the bins by cropping them out. 
Overall I would like to use either the first or last photograph of Beaverwood in the snow, I feel that this is because I like the compostion more in these two particular photographs and I also feel their quality is better than the centre one. I am going to try the two photographs I have picked on my contents page, I will then ask my audience which photograph they feel is best within the magazine.

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