Thursday 18 October 2012

Finished Cover...

Finished Cover

This cover shows how I have resolved the issue of the article text not showing up against the background by putting gold stars behind it, this makes the text stand out more and also draws the readers eye to the articles. I have also used the 'Z' rule when designing this cover. I have also kept the red and white 'Christmas Edition' writing, I was going to change the colours of this font but found that it did not work as well as the white and red and made the text look out of place. I feel that my cover is a success as it shows off my theme well whilst still looking like a school magazine.  
The colours I have used represent Christmas well, however it was harder to make the text stand out on my cover because the colours are quite light. I had to change my colour theme from red, gold and green to Red and white, I also managed to incorporate some green in to the text colours so that I was meeting my audiences expectations. I also found myself using alot more blue in the cover than I first planned, this is because when I edited the photograph I had to give it a blue tint to make it appear colder in the image. I then also found that using a gold border with the blue tint didn`t go very well and I ended up also using a light blue border which I feel connotes the coldness of a winters day.
I used the font style 'Century Gothic' for the articles and mast head, I feel that I should have used a different font to make it seem more professional, although I feel that the font style does work with the overall magazine cover.
If I were to re-do the magazine I would have included an image of the school logo in one of the top corners because I feel that although it is an internal school magazine I feel that it would look alot better and more professional with the school`s logo in the top corner. I also feel that the overall look of the magazine is quite unprofessional, I feel that this is because of the colours used and also because of the border. I feel that I could have made it look more professional if I had used different fonts and also instead of using the gold stars I had used a white coloured text box, however this would also be taking away from my theme and would make the cover look less like a Christmas Edition.
Overall I feel that my magazine is a success in meeting my targets expectations and connoting the theme of Christmas, However I, myself, feel that it doesn`t look like a professional magazine and I am going to take what I have learnt from doing this task in to the making of my Music magazine. I am also going to make sure that my music magazine looks more professional when finished and I will also be double checking it against real life music brand magazines (e.g. Kerrang) to make sure I am on the right track.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Cat for completing your front cover and analysing the decisions you have made. Now for the contents page - remember to ensure there is continuity between both the front cover and contents page. I believe you will be finished before the deadling. Again good work.

