Thursday 11 October 2012

Contents page Photographs

Contents page Photographs

These are the photographs that I took for my contents page;
These are the photographs that I took for the 'photography and art competition' article;

This is the first Image that I took; I planned to take this image before hand; however now that I have seen the results I feel that the photograph is way to busy; taking away the main focus from the models within the photograph. I feel that I should have used a white or black backdrop instead of a class room setting for this photo shoot. I also find that the models are to far apart and it is hard to see them both, I also feel that it doesn`t promote the theme of Christmas even though my models are wearing the Santa hat and the tinsel; I feel this is because the photograph is to busy and it is hard to make out the models.
As I felt that the photograph above was to busy, I then took this one;
 This photograph is of one of my models looking through a camera at the viewer; I feel that this photograph is alot better than the image above because the viewer can clearly see that she is wearing a Santa hat and tinsel; promoting the tinsel theme. I also feel that this connotes more of a 'Photography' as the viewer can see that my model is holding a camera. However I feel that this only connotes the photography part of the competition and doesn't seem to speak 'Art' so I feel that I will have to adapt my article to just a 'Photography' competition.
 Overall I feel that I will be using the bottom photograph on my contents page as I feel that this is the better composed one of the two.

Photographs of a Group of friends:
These are three of the photographs that I took for my contents page, I feel that these were the best out of the lot that I took. I am now going to narrow it down to one photograph to put on to my contents page. I took the photographs as an action shot;
 I like this photograph as I have captured all my models smiling. I also like how my models are interacting with the books and also each other.  I feel that even though the background is quite busy, it sums up what they are doing; they are in one of the art rooms looking at each other`s art sketch books. I also have used the tinsel and Santa hat in the photographs to again present the theme Christmas.
 This is my favourite of the three photographs, this is because I feel that the angle I have taken the image at makes the viewer feel that they are actually there, sitting next to the girl on the right. I also  have used a shallow depth of field and I feel that this keeps the focus of the photograph on my models. I also like how the viewer can see some of the art work in the background and I feel that this further connotes that my models are studying together. I also like how I have captured my models smiling, I feel that this really represents the mood of happiness and creates a good impression of the school for the viewer.

This is my least favourite of the three photographs, this is because of the angle and distance I have taken he photograph at- the viewers attention is drawn straight to the back of the class room, where they can see the sink and the bin in the class room. I also do not like the way one of my models is behind another; making it difficult for the viewer to see her.

Overall I feel that the photograph I am going to use is the middle image; this is because I feel that it is the best composed and also best connotes the ideas of the school I am trying to get across. I also like the way the props are positioned in that certain image and feel that it best presents my theme of Christmas.
I am now going to start completing my cover and contents page and put them all together; I will be uploading print screens of how I am completing the Cover first; before moving on to finish the contents page. I will then post the finished peices on here.


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