Tuesday 23 October 2012

Contents page (Part 1)

Contents page (Part 1)

I have begun adding my photographs to my plain mock contents page. I have also added an image of the Bevaerwood school badge to the top of the Page, however I was faced with some difficulties of the badge having a white background. To resolve this I opened the image in photo shop, removed the background and saved it a a .png, this allowed me to add the image to my contents page without it having the white background behind it;
This is the badge before I removed the background and the text that was underneath it, I have given it a blue border so that you can see the badge has a white background.
 This shows the badge with the background removed on photo shop, the image below shows what it now looks like on my contents page; however the edges of the beaver wood badge are quite fuzzy where I have removed it from the background, I cannot do anything about this so when I do my music magazine I will make sure that I use images where the background is already removed.
I now have to change the colour of the font, the main background and also have to think about how I am going to have my articles on the page; they will go in the middle but I need to think about centring them etc.
This is my contents masthead in the colours; red and white, I like how the red stands out but I feel that the white is a little to light and does blend in to the background quite a bit so I am going to also try having the white letters green; to try and make the mast head stand out alot better.
I also feel that if I changed the style of font this would make the mast head stand out and also make the entire page more eye catching.
Background Ideas:
I have gone on to Google.com and have been looking for different background images I could use. I have decided on this snow-y one which I feel may make the page more eye catching and interesting;
I do not like how the background looks on this page as I feel that there is to much blue on the page and it draws away the viewers attention.
I have had the idea that I could put gold stars, like the ones on the front cover, in the background instead of the blue snow flakes. I would only have three I think, so that it is not over-whelming, they would behind the list of articles and would also overlap the photographs to make the page flow better.
I quite like the use of the stars on the page as I feel that it really links to my cover- however now I feel that it is still a little plain in the background and I have decided that maybe I should make the background a lighter blue than the border.
I also think that once I put the articles on the background it`ll make the background look less bare;
I feel that the background is better looking now and that it doesn`t look as bare; all I have to do now is change the colour of the mast head and the school`s motto. I also have to add my articles in to the page and my contents will be completed.
I still feel at this stage that my cover and contents are looking more like student created magazines and are lacking the professionalism needed, so when creating my music magazine I am going to thoroughly look in to the layout of the magazines so that the magazine I create will actually look like it is one of the top branded magazines, I feel that this would also help it 'sell' better on the shop shelves.
 My next post should include the finishing touches applied to my contents and also the finished contents itself; I will then underneath the finsihed contents write a little summary of what I like/ dislike about it. After this I will post both my contents and my cover together.

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