Tuesday 9 October 2012

Contents page Mocks

Contents page Mocks

I have now also began to mock up my contents page, I have yet to take the photographs for them and will do so this week, I also want to include a photograph of the school in snow on te contents page.
This is my first contents page mock up:
I don`t excatly like the layout of this page, this is because there are alot of empty spaces around the page which I feel is going to be a waste of space, I could make more use of this space by filling it with smaller photographs or other articles. I feel that I could also fill this space with christmas images; or a christmas border however I feel that this would give the mgazine a student made look and would take away the proffesional look to the rest of the magazine. I would like to use the school logo on the contents page and will do so at the top of the page.
I also only have seven articles, which will not take up very much space at all, I feel that I will have to change alot of this mock up when creating my actual contents page as I feel that there is so much space wasted on this page.
I could use the two spaces at the top of the page; the left one and the right one, and fill these with more christmas images.
I have found two images on Google.com, which I used to experiment with what my contents page would look like with photographs on it.
I quite like what my page looks like with the photographs on it, however I am still concerned abput what I am going to do with the spaces at the side. After thinking about this, I have found that I could put the school`s motto on either side;
On the left side I could have it in Latin;
'Altiora Sequamur'
Wheras on the right side I could have it in english;
'Aim High'
(This is what it would look like on my contents page;)
I am really starting to like the way my contents page has developed, I am going to keep the idea of having the school motto down the sides to fill the empty space; however I feel that the page still looks quite blank, I feel that I may have to change the colour of the background- However I will change it to a ligh colour (e.g. A light Blue) to stay with my theme as Blue is associated with cold and cold is with christmas, I also feel that this also fits in well with the school, as their main colours include Blue.

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