Wednesday 10 October 2012

Contents page Photoshoot Plan

Contents page Photo shoot Plan

I am planning to do my photo shoot sometime this week, or next week. I have decided I want these particular photographs to be of groups of students, I feel that this will contrast with my cover photograph and also connote that the school is very good academically but is also an equally good place to meet new people and make friends. I am going to use my model that I used for my front cover in these group photographs, I feel this will further support what I want to get across to my audience.
However in one of my photographs I am going to use a different model, as it will be for the photography/ art competition,  and the model I am going to use for this photograph is a photography student so I feel that this will support the idea of the competition and inspire the readers who would potentially enter the competition, however I have also realised that this may also put readers off from entering the competition as they may not feel good enough or may think they need to be a photography student to enter the competition; to stop this idea from reaching my audience I think I am going to have the text 'Anyone Can Enter!' somewhere across the photograph. I will take this photograph in the photography room as this supports the 'photography and art' competition.
I have not decided where I am going to do the photo shoot, but I have a few ideas for

-Sitting together on the steps by reception;
This would be a great place to do the photographs as it will show off more of the school, however as I would like to use close up shots of my models I will not actually get very much of the school in the background. I could layer photographs together to over come this difficulty but I feel that this will make the magazine appear more student-made as when I researched school magazines, I found that the student made ones tended to have layered photographs in.

-In the common room
This would be an exceptionally good place to take the photographs in, I find this because it is the sixth forms own personal space, so the magazine would appeal more to them. I also find that this place would work well in an action shot, as I could have bug group of students sitting together talking; however this may make the photograph look to busy and also take away the meaning of them studying with friends as it may just look like they are all just talking to one another. The common room is also always very busy, except from in the mornings before school and after period 7. This would mean that I would be unable to take the photographs because of how busy the room is and I would also have to find a day where everyone can come in either early, or stay later which would be an almost impossible task- for all my chosen models have extremely different time tables. I have thought about choosing new models but I feel that the ones I have chosen will work the best because they are a close group of friends and are always helping each other study or studying themselves, I also feel that they would connote what I am trying to get across in my magazine photographs and I feel they will also inspire others. I feel that the common room will be a hard place to get an image in; so I may have to use an empty class room instead, which I feel will give the impression they are studying together in one certain lesson.

-Out side sixth form block
This will also be a great place to take photographs from, However like I said before the common room is always very busy; meaning that students are likely to be in and out of the block all the time; making it hard to get a professional shot. On the other hand this would help if I would want to get an action-shot photograph as It would give the viewer the impression and feel that others are moving around the modelling group of people, I feel that this will also engage the readers more as they will get a real life shot of what was happening at that specific time in the common room.

Facial expressions and Gesture codes...
In my group photographs I would like them to be talking amongst themselves and/or looking down at their folders/ texts books or looking at each other; this is because I feel that, again, this would also further the meaning of the photographs (The school is a great place for study & friends) I would also like my main model to be in the image; I was thinking perhaps having her in the centre making it seem like she is the popular one of the group; however I don`t want to connote to outsiders of the magazine that they have to be popular or be in a big group of friends in sixth form.

I feel that the angle is very important in these photos, this is because I want the viewer to feel like they are part of the group in the image; So I want to take the photo from a straight-on point of view, capturing the models from waist up.

Evaluation of Ideas;
-One of my model`s will be looking through a camera taking a photograph- this will include my Christmas props, perhaps on a person that my model is taking a photograph of, this will be for my photography competition article.
-My models will be together around a table, studying and working and also interacting with each other and the Christmas props. This will be just be connoting the main feel I want to get across to my viewers/ readers.


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