Tuesday 2 October 2012

Magazine Mocks

Magazine Mocks (-Photographs)

I have begun to mock my magazine cover; I have created a plain mock so that I can see where I would like everything to go when creating my final cover.
This also allows me to move everything around when adding my photograph/s to the background, I like the layout of this cover and have decided what photograph I would like to be the background. I have a border around the photograph because I feel that this will help make the magazine stand out and I also think that the colour of the border will also show the theme of the magazine. I have used the 'Z' rule, so that the viewers eyes are drawn in a 'Z' formation down the cover, I feel that this makes my magazine cover look more proffesional and more like a real magazine.
 I have decided that I will also try editting my photograph further so that it really shows my christmas theme.
Mock with photograph (edit)
This is my plain mock cover with my chosen, editted photograph in the background, I like how the image looks with the writting around it, however I have noticed a few issues with using this photograph;
-In the bottom right corner, the black text cannot be seen, so I will have to change the fonts colour to white.
-The Title of the magazine is going in to my models hat- This will affect my text if I was to write in a red colour and it would also draw my readers attention away from the title, to solve this I will have to bring the image down, so that the mast head goes over the top of my model.
-There is alot of tree in this image and not alot of my model, I can solve this by moving the photograph over slightly so that my model takes up more of the cover instead of the tree dominating the page or I could include more articles in to this space, which will take my readers attention away from the tree.
Mock with photograph 2 (Edit)
I decided to use a different photograph all together as the one I used in my first photo mock couldn`t be moved around on the cover. This photograph has been edited to make it look more like a cold decembers day. I have found that this photograph works better and solves the issues of the tree dominating the photograph and the mast head going across my models hat, however I now relize that with this photograph the black text is harder to see, but I am going to try and keep my font to the Christmas colours which my audience voted for, red, green and gold.
In these photographs my model has a very serious facial expression and she is studying which contrasts heavily with the fact she is wearing tinsel and a santa hat, I have donw this because I want the viewers to get the impression that the school is fun and exciting however it is very serious about the education that its students recieve. I am going to incoperate and try to connote this with/ through my cover lines so that it is clear to the reader.
I am now going to use the second mock, I was originally set on using the photograph in the first mock but have realized that that photograph is not an appropriate choice for my magazine cover. I am now going to start adding on details to my secound mock and experiment with the colours of the font and border to see what works best with this photograph.


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