Tuesday 18 September 2012

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

I gave out my Questionnaire to 15 people, who are 6th formers, these are the results that I have gotten from the handing out questionnaires.


Q1. What do you think is the best name for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were asked to choose one answer from the four that were listed.
In my results I can see that a majority of people would like the magazine to have the name ‘The Daily B’, so this will be the name for my magazine. I feel that this will show that I am creating the magazine to my audience`s wants/expectations.

Q2. What would you be willing to pay for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were again asked to pick one answer from the four that were listed.

From my results I can see that most people will only be willing to take the magazine if it is free. I think that I will have to make my magazine Christmas edition free as this would attract more people to take the magazine. However I could have it so that if other editions of the magazine were to be published, they could cost 50p.
Q3. What articles would you like to see in a school magazine?
        - For this question I listed seven different options and allowed my audience to pick more than one option as there will be more than one article listed on the contents page and in the magazine.
 From my results I can see that the most popular article that people would like to see in the magazine is ‘Teacher/ Student gossip’ I will defiantly be including this I n my magazine as I feel it will draw most people in to taking the magazine. The second most popular choice was ‘Exam tips’, I think this is another definite article to go in to the magazine as it will not only draw them into it but it will also help them with their studies and exams. ‘Term dates’ is a popular choice, however not as popular as the first two, I think that maybe one page could be included with this information on as even though not as many people picked it, I feel that it is vital information that should be in any school magazine. ‘Art/ Photography and Tech work’ along with ‘Changes’ around school were two of the less popular articles, I am going to think whether I should add these in over the next few weeks, however I feel that I would like to include peoples work in the magazine to inspire others to do well in their subjects as well. The least popular choices are ‘Horoscopes’ and ‘GCSE results’ I do not think I will be including these in the magazine as not many people think they are that interesting although I feel that some people might benefit from having their horoscopes in the back as it would add to the fun and informal feel of the magazine.
Q4. I have chosen the theme Christmas for my magazine, what colour scheme would               you most associate with Christmas?
-          For this question I asked the people to pick one of the four answer, however if they were to pick the forth option I would need them to state what they felt would be best as the colour scheme.

From this I can see that the colour scheme that was chose most was ‘Red and Gold’, I will be now using this as my colour scheme as I also feel that they are the best colours that represent Christmas, however red and green come in as a close second, so I think that I will use red and green for my contents page.
Only one person stated ‘Other’ and they wrote down ‘Red, Green and Gold’ so I feel that by making my cover themed Red and Gold and my contents page themed red and green I will be meeting nearly all of my audiences wants/ expectations from the magazine.


Q5. What would you most associate with Christmas?

       I asked my audience to pick one of the four options of what they thought most represented Christmas, the two most popular choices are the ones that I will try and include when taking my images for the magazine.
I can see that the two most popular choices are ‘Tinsel’ and ‘Snow’, ‘A Santa hat’ ranks third whereas, surprisingly, no one picked ‘Presents’. I will defiantly include Tinsel when taking my images as this is extremely easy to get hold of, however I`m going to have an issue with creating the effect of snow, as it doesn`t snow this time of year. I think that I will have to either get some fake snow from somewhere or I will have to result to using the third option, ‘A Santa hat’ which is also very easy to get hold of, yet I will try my very best to meet what my audience want and get some fake snow.
Q6. Would you like to have the chance to get free text books within the magazines?
            -I asked my audience to tick a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, depending on their own individual answer to the question.

Here, I can see that 100% of my audience said ‘Yes’ they would like to have the chance to get free texts books, so this will defiantly be within my magazine somewhere, however obviously the school or any shop cannot just give out 1000 free texts books, so I will probably have to make it in to a competition and have 5 winners get free texts books so that the school doesn’t start to lose a lot of money.
Q7. Would you like the chance to enter different subject competitions?
-          I asked my audience if they would like to be able to enter different subject competitions, for prizes and if they picked ‘Yes’ I asked them what competitions they would like to enter would be.
From this chart, I can see that most people said ‘No’, they wouldn`t enter competitions, however a lot of people also said ‘Yes’, they would enter competitions put in to the magazines, this creates the idea that I could combine the ‘Free text book’ idea with this Competition idea. A majority of people said that they would enter the competition if it was photography, however Dance, Drama and Ict also got one vote each, so I would probably chose to do a photograph competition as I feel that this would allow anyone to take part; you don`t have to be a photography student to take a picture and It can be done with Phones and iPods as well as DSLR and compact cameras.
Examples of my returned questionnaires
Here are two of my returned questionnaires which I scanned in to the computer to post on my blog. These questionnaires show that I have listened to what my audience want and have also been fair to everyone when analysing my results.


I feel that so far, my research is going well and I am going to try to carry on my research by looking at different layouts for my magazine in detail. I also feel that I am going to be able to meet my audience expectations with my finished magazine and I cannot wait to start designing and thinking about doing a music magazine in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Clear consideration given to audience feedback.

    Do be prepared to explain your title, when the magazine isn't published 'Daily' though!

    Check point: What have you learned about the research process? Start to think about how you may carry out your research differently for your main task (music magazine).
