Tuesday 11 September 2012

School Magazine Location and Thoughts

School Magazine Location and Thoughts

In media, today, we started to discuss the themes and locations that we could use in our school magazine preliminary task.
The themes that we came up with, were,
-Bomb fire night
-Easter, and
I feel that I would like to theme my magazine themed around Christmas, as this is my favourite holiday. I have many ideas of how to show that my magazine is themed around Christmas;
-Have my model interacting with tinsel i.e. Wrapped around her neck, shoulders or in her hair.
-Have my model wearing a hat or a scarf to show that it is getting colder
-Have my model wearing Christmas earrings or a Christmas necklace
-I could also have her holding a present.
We were taken around the school to view different locations that we could use to take our photographs in, these locations featured;
-The front of the school
-The sixth form block
-Inside the school main building itself, and
-The quad
I would like to take my front cover photograph in the quad, as I feel that this location gives me many options in how to lay the photograph out. I would like to have my model leaning against the tree in the quad, perhaps holding a text book to show that she is at school, as I would like to do a sixth form magazine, and as I want Christmas as my magazine theme, I could have her with tinsel in her hair or draped around her shoulders.
I would also have to think about the lighting in the photograph, as because I want to do an Christmas themed magazine, it would not make sense if there was alot of sunlight within the image; I would have to take the photo on a cloudy day; this would help portray that it was nearing Christmas.
The photograph also has to be a medium head shot of a student, so I will have to take this in to mind when taking the photograph. I will also have to make sure that there are no bins or litter in the background when composing the photograph as this would destroy the main purpose of the image and take the main focus away from the student and on to the litter/ litter bin behind.
I will also take photographs in other locations, to give me a wide range of images to chose from; in case I do not like the image I have taken at the quad.
We also have been told to think of colours that people associated with or chosen theme;
I have chosen Christmas so I feel that the main colours associated with that holiday are;
-Red and Green
I could then use these colours for my font or for a border around the photographs I take. I feel that then this would instantly tell the readers/viewers that my magazine was around the theme of Christmas instead of them having to guess.
I currently have in mind a photograph I would like to have as my front cover;
A sixth former sitting/ standing by the tree (location; the Quad) holding a textbook(perhaps with the Beaver wood symbol on the front) with tinsel around her neck. I would like to use a shallow depth of field when taking the image. My ideas may change when I actually come to taking the photographs as I may find a more suitable location that appeals to the magazine more.
I am looking forward to taking the photographs as I can use my photography skills and I also enjoy taking photographs as well.

1 comment:

  1. Try to link your choice of theme to the date of publication: why this would be a good time to attract new readers, why it would appeal to your target audience, how it would help you to incorporate the sorts of contents that your target audience have said they would like to read about... etc. etc.
