Friday 7 September 2012

My thoughts on the tasks ahead

My thoughts on the tasks ahead

Today in Media I discovered that I have to complete a preliminary task; which is creating a front and contents page of a school magazine and that my main task (which is 50% of my grade) is to create a front cover, a content page and a double page spread of a music magazine, which has a genre of my choice.
I am looking forward to creating these magazines and I know that my photography skills will help me in doing this as I have created a music magazine cover (etc.) before. I am looking forward to the music magazine alot more because I get to chose the genre of the music and therefore I feel that it becomes more personal as I get to chose something that I am 'in to'. I have alot of ideas for the front cover of this page, as I feel that I want to do a 'Punk-Rock' genre of magazine although I know this could change;
-A photograph of one of my friends playing the guitar dressed in 'emo/punk' clothing
-I could research 'Kerrang' as they are a well known music magazine and do alot of different punk/rock genre magazines.
I also think that I may find creating a school magazine harder to create as I haven`t yet read, or seen one so I do not know what to include inside it however I feel this can be cleaned up by a little research e.g. Beaverwood has its own school magazine; 'The Beaverwood Times' I feel that looking into this may give me more ideas and will clear up my concerns about what will need to go on the contents and front page.
Overall I'm excited about the tasks ahead and at the moment I do not have any concerns about completing them.

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