Tuesday 25 September 2012

Magazine contents page reseach cont.


Magazine contents page reseach continued

This is another magazine cover I came across whilst searching contents pages on the web, however this one has actually been made by the school staff unlike the others I found which were made by students and were of a less professional quality. I instantly like this contents page as I find that the layout is very professional, eye catching and also interesting. I like the way that the contents page is laid out, the way the articles have been listed and each have an individual comment underneath them. I also feel that this magazine cover is aimed at both parents and students; as it has information about 'new uniform', mostly aimed at parents, (even though the title of the page is 'welcome back students') - so they know what their child needs for school, and then they have straight after, 'Worried? Stressed?' I feel that this has been aimed at the students who are going through their GCSE`s, A-Levels or are just having a hard time in general.
The colour scheme of this contents page is very basic, plain white with purple headings I feel that this makes it seem more professional as there are not loud, contrasting colours jumping out of the page at the viewer/reader. I am going to think about this when creating my contents and cover page because  want mine to be of a professional quality and not like it has been created by a lower year student.
I also like the use of photographs on the contents page, they are relevant to certain articles within the magazine and have the page numbers on the image, so the reader can find the articles, that go with the images, instantly.
Overall I like this contents page, I feel that it does look professional, however I am put off by the lack of colour and feel that this contents page would have benefited from some kind of border- I will be thinking about things, as simple as this, when creating my own contents page. 

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