Wednesday 12 September 2012

Locations around the School

Locations around the School

I am going to anaylise three locations around the school that I thought appeared to be suitable for the front cover of my magazine that I am going to create. I took a photograph of each of them so I could refer back to it.

The Quad

This is the first location I took a photograph of and is the one that I would most like to use on my cover, this is because I like the tree that stands on the middle of the quad, I feel that it represents alot for my school as it is as old as the building itself. I also feel that it would be a great location as it has the school building in the background; highlighting to the reader of the magazine that it is definitely about/ for a school. I feel that this looks like a perfect study place for students and will portray this idea to the reader.
I would like to have my student as a sixth former so I would need to have her holding a text book with the school logo on the front, to make it clearer to the reader that it is for Beaver wood school- not any other school. I will also have to make sure that there are no bins in the area where I take the photo (There are bins around the quad, however they can`t be seen in this photograph).
I also want my theme of my magazine to be Christmas, so I will need to take the photo when there is no sun, to create the effect that it is nearing end of term and Christmas is coming. Also I will have to be careful not to get any of the green leaves in the image, as this would destroy the idea of the magazine being Christmas themed as the tree would change colour and drop its leaves before the end of term.

The Sixth form Block

This is the second location that I took a photograph of. I like this location as it has the beaver wood logo on the wall, this would show that the magazine is for beaver wood without having to worry about getting a textbook with the logo on. It will also compliment my model, who will be a sixth former. However other sixth formers may be walking in and out of the block whilst I try and take the photograph, this could compliment the image in one way, but I feel it would take the main focus off of my model.
I could use the stairs for my model to sit on and take the photograph there, however I might not be able to get the logo in from the wall as the photograph has to be a medium shot of a student/ sixth former.
I will also have to be careful of bins being within the shot; I would have to move them so they were out of shot. I want my theme to be Christmas, so I would have to use tinsel with my model to show this as there would not be any Christmas decorations up at this time of the year and I will also have to be careful at what time of day I take the photograph as I do not want to get bright sunlight in the image as this would portray that it wasn`t Christmas to the readers.

Inside the main Building

This is the third location that I took a photograph of. I do not like this location very much although I may use it within my other photographs for my magazine. I will have to move the bins out of the way when/if I took a photograph in this location and I would have to take it after school or when I have a free period as otherwise there would be students everywhere in the corridor and it would make it impossible to take an image.
The theme I want to use for my magazine is Christmas and I feel that this location has a more halloweeny feel to it as it is an empty corridor.  If I took my front cover photograph here I would have my model standing to one side, so that the viewers/ readers could see down the hall.

Other Locations

I could also use the front of the school for photographs as it would then show what school the magazine was for, however it would be difficult to get the whole of the school within the background of the photograph.
    * * *

Overall my favourite location is The Quad, I feel that this would be the best location to take my front cover image and I could still incorporate the other locations in to my other photographs that I will need to take for inside the magazine.


1 comment:

  1. Some thoughtful consideration to location. Try to link your choice of location to audience, brand and purpose as well. For your main task, you may wish to get audience feedback on your choices of location - in the form of a focus group, for example.
    Check point: How will you manage the problem of the tree in the Quad detracting from the wintry feel?
