Friday 21 September 2012

Magazine Contents Pages


Magazine Contents Pages

As I have decided what is now going on my front cover and what articles I am going to include within the magazine, I have begun to research school magazine contents pages; to get an idea of what I need to be creating and what the overall layout should be similar to.



These are two of the covers that I came across. I picked these two as they are very different from one another; the one on the right is very colourful and although it does have a structure, it seems less structured than the one on the left. I personally prefer the one on the right, I feel this is because it is clear and looks very professional. I also like how they have the school badge in the bottom left corner and also have pictures above and below the text. With my magazine contents page, I would like to include how they have laid it out although I would change it slightly to fit  my theme. I like how the magazine on the right also has photographs from around school on the page; I would like to include some photos of the school in the magazine so I will need to think about where I can get these from; however I think I have some images of the school in snow from previous years, so I could use these as well as photographs I am going to take now.

This is another magazine contents page that I found online, I like how this one has information about the different articles underneath the headings; I feel that this is a good way to draw the readers into reading different articles; instead of just flicking past them to the ones they want to read. I also like the way they have used their colour scheme on this contents, changing the colour of the numbers - I think I would like to include this in my magazine contents, having the numbers of the pages alternate colours; red, green, red, green etc.
However on this contents, I have noticed there are no page numbers, only the numbers on the left hand side, which seem to be the order of the articles. On my contents I am going to make sure I write the page numbers in as without them I feel that the readers will get confused as to finding the article they want to read; otherwise they are going to have to just flick through until the find the right one, which, no doubt, ca become very annoying and may cause the readers to get bored and stop reading.
I was looking at all of the magazine covers together and noticed that two of them have 'Top ten revision tips' at the start of their magazine (Top right and bottom middle). I feel that this is because they are considered as one of the most important articles in the magazine. I also noticed that the 'competition' and 'Horoscope' articles are nearer the bottom of the contents page; maybe suggesting that they are less important than the ones closer to the top. I am going to take this in to account hen creating my contents and I will come up with a structure that has the most important articles at the top (the front of the magazine) and the less important articles nearer the bottom (the back of the magazine).
Overall I feel my research was a success and I am looking forward to creating my magazine contents page and will continue to research deeper in to what needs to be included and also the layout of the contents. I will also carry my knowledge through the school magazine and also in to the music magazine I am going to create later on in the year.

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