Friday 14 September 2012



Today in Media, I created a questionnaire to send out to other Year 12 and Year 13 sixth formers. This is the questionnaire I sent out: 
I am going to send the questionnaire out to around 15 - 20 sixth formers, I will then collect and analise the results. I will take the answers that most people have ticked/ suggested and apply/put them in to my magazine, this will then help my magazine to suit my target audience and will also help me know what to put on my contents page. It may also help me to develop more ideas of what to put on the contents page of my magazine and what else I would need as props in my front cover and contents page photographs. I feel that sending this questionnaire out will help bridge the gap of what to include in my magazine.
My next post will include my results from my questionnaire and what I plan to do with them, I hope to be able to post this next week.

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