Tuesday 18 September 2012

Models & Mise en Scene

Models & Mise en Scene

Today I am going to be thinking about who to use as my model, ie. groups of people, just one person? and what my overall magazine cover is going to look like.

Photographs for the magazine...

I would like to only have one student on the cover as I feel that I want the audience to be focusing on one thing and I also find that because she is studying it may be best if she was by herself so that she wouldn`t be getting distracted, it may also show the audience that you don`t have to just study in groups. However in my other photographs for the magazine, I would like to have a few group pictures, just to show that Christmas and school are about friendship. I also feel that having group photograph will also help portray the school better, showing that it has a good atmosphere and is a friendly place to be.
For my front cover I would like to have my model sitting or standing against the tree in the quad, as she is a sixth former I will need to think about her having some thing with the Beaver wood badge on, and I would like her to e studying. I am going to get my model to have some silver/ blue tinsel around her neck and hopefully have her wearing a Santa hat. I have decided against trying to get some fake snow as It cannot be purchased at this point in the year and I am not going to have much of the background in focus in anyway as I am going to use a shallow depth of field when taking the photograph. I will have my model holding a text book or folder, hopefully I will be able to get one with the Beaver wood logo on and I am going to have her looking in to the text book smiling, to show that she is enjoying what she is studying. I am going to take the picture looking at the side view of my model so that I can see the side of her face and that she is smiling.
In the other photographs I am going to use some of the other locations around school, then I will have groups and single people sitting around with tinsel and Santa hats to carry on my theme of Christmas. I will hopefully also have them giving each other Christmas presents.
I hope to take my photographs at some point this week or by next week at the latest, this means that today I need to speak to my models and arrange when to take the photograph and also who can bring in a the props if I cannot get one of them.

Magazine Cover layout...

This is how I would like my cover to be layed out, I will explain in more detail below the illustration of the front cover.


In this drawing, I have shown that my border will be gold and that my title will be red and green, this is keeping with what my audience want as the colour scheme and also keeping with the theme of Christmas. I would like to have the photograph of my model taking up most of the space on the cover as I feel that this would draw more attention to my magazine, I feel that it will also show the theme that I picked better as well, as my model will be wearing tinsel and a Santa hat. I also think that in the top right hand corner of the magazine I will put an image of the Beaver wood badge on there, this is so that it is clear that it is a Beaver wood magazine and not for just any school.
 I am looking forward to starting to design my magazine as I am really enjoying planning it and cannot wait to see the final outcome!!

1 comment:

  1. Clear reasoning and evidence of problem-solving. Well done.
    Your choice of image doesn't necessarily link to your audience research findings though, so make sure you explain why you are going against this and opting for a more academic cover (Your audience findings showed that sixth formers favoured 'Teacher/Student Gossip' which suggests something about the brand values that would most appeal to them).
