Saturday 29 September 2012

Photographs of my model

Photographs of my model

Over the past week I started to take photographs of my model for the font cover image of my magazine. As my theme is Christmas I used props related to this theme. When I asked my target audience about the props, they responded saying they would most relate Tinsel, snow and a Santa hat with Christmas, however I could not get snow in the photograph, so I used both of the other props with my model in the photograph.  
These are four photographs I took of my model, I feel that these are the best out of all the images I took and I am now going to rule out my ultimate favourite.
 I decided to try different camera angles in attempt to get a duller look to the background, as the magazine is to be themed around Christmas, yet keep the vibrant to the images, I found that this was very difficult to achieve and I then decided that I would have to edit the image to get the Christmas, cold, December feel to the image.
  My favourite out of these four photographs is the bottom right image, I feel this is because I like how it is composed; I like how my model is standing- casual, leaning against the tree, giving it a sense of peace and freedom to the image which contrasts with her formal clothing overall creating the feeling that the school is a great, relaxing place to be. I also like how my model is looking at the folder in her hands, the viewer is drawn to follow her gaze, which leads them to the Beaver wood school badge, highlighting that the magazine is for Beaver wood sixth form pupils.
My least favourite of the images is the bottom right image; this is because the model is looking at the camera. I like how the model is smiling and creating a relaxed happy atmosphere however I feel that this will take the viewers focus away from the folder in her hand and to her face; something that I wasn`t aiming to create within the photograph. However I do like the angle that I have taken this photograph from.
I feel that, in the top two, I have taken the photograph from the wrong angles as the viewer cannot see what the sixth former is looking at; making the folder seem pointless in the image, however because my magazine is for internal school release, it does not matter about the beaver wood badge- But I would still like to have this shown in the photograph. I have decided that I do not want to use these two photographs for that simple reason. I have also noticed that in the top left image, the sun is extremely bright in the background and I feel that even using a filter on the image will not let me get that cold, winter night feel.
So, the photograph I like the best is the bottom right one, I feel that this is the best image to use for my magazine cover and I also started testing filters on the image and found that they work very nicely on that particular image. I used a transparent blue filter on the image to get the winter feel. I have put the original image next to the edited one to show the difference. I feel that this filter has got me the effect that I wanted; however I am going to experiment more with the edited image to try and further that winter`s day feel.



I will also be trying filters on some of my other photographs and also different filters on the image above, which I will upload soon.
I will also be taking my group photographs soon, which I would like to have interacting with the tinsel and Santa hat, studying or having a conversation with each other. I will also like to include some photographs of the school in snow, which I took last year when It snowed heavily. I will also upload these soon.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Magazine annotation table

Magazine annotation table

This is my completed magazine table, I have annotated three other covers within the table and have also put my own ideas into the table and what ideas my chosen audience have given me.
The three example magazine covers I used:
Example 1:
This magazine is a student made magazine; I felt that this magazine was very different to the proffesional one and decided I would like to look at a wider range of school magazines to get more ideas and a feel for what else I could include on my cover.
Example 2:
This is a Beaverwood school magazine, which is also student made, however they have gone for a more proffesional approach and it also looks like a newspaper layout.

 Example 3:
This is a proffesional magazine, which I feel contrasts heavily in details and typical magazine conventions with the other two student made magazines.



Tuesday 25 September 2012

Magazine contents page reseach cont.


Magazine contents page reseach continued

This is another magazine cover I came across whilst searching contents pages on the web, however this one has actually been made by the school staff unlike the others I found which were made by students and were of a less professional quality. I instantly like this contents page as I find that the layout is very professional, eye catching and also interesting. I like the way that the contents page is laid out, the way the articles have been listed and each have an individual comment underneath them. I also feel that this magazine cover is aimed at both parents and students; as it has information about 'new uniform', mostly aimed at parents, (even though the title of the page is 'welcome back students') - so they know what their child needs for school, and then they have straight after, 'Worried? Stressed?' I feel that this has been aimed at the students who are going through their GCSE`s, A-Levels or are just having a hard time in general.
The colour scheme of this contents page is very basic, plain white with purple headings I feel that this makes it seem more professional as there are not loud, contrasting colours jumping out of the page at the viewer/reader. I am going to think about this when creating my contents and cover page because  want mine to be of a professional quality and not like it has been created by a lower year student.
I also like the use of photographs on the contents page, they are relevant to certain articles within the magazine and have the page numbers on the image, so the reader can find the articles, that go with the images, instantly.
Overall I like this contents page, I feel that it does look professional, however I am put off by the lack of colour and feel that this contents page would have benefited from some kind of border- I will be thinking about things, as simple as this, when creating my own contents page. 

Friday 21 September 2012

Magazine Contents Pages


Magazine Contents Pages

As I have decided what is now going on my front cover and what articles I am going to include within the magazine, I have begun to research school magazine contents pages; to get an idea of what I need to be creating and what the overall layout should be similar to.



These are two of the covers that I came across. I picked these two as they are very different from one another; the one on the right is very colourful and although it does have a structure, it seems less structured than the one on the left. I personally prefer the one on the right, I feel this is because it is clear and looks very professional. I also like how they have the school badge in the bottom left corner and also have pictures above and below the text. With my magazine contents page, I would like to include how they have laid it out although I would change it slightly to fit  my theme. I like how the magazine on the right also has photographs from around school on the page; I would like to include some photos of the school in the magazine so I will need to think about where I can get these from; however I think I have some images of the school in snow from previous years, so I could use these as well as photographs I am going to take now.

This is another magazine contents page that I found online, I like how this one has information about the different articles underneath the headings; I feel that this is a good way to draw the readers into reading different articles; instead of just flicking past them to the ones they want to read. I also like the way they have used their colour scheme on this contents, changing the colour of the numbers - I think I would like to include this in my magazine contents, having the numbers of the pages alternate colours; red, green, red, green etc.
However on this contents, I have noticed there are no page numbers, only the numbers on the left hand side, which seem to be the order of the articles. On my contents I am going to make sure I write the page numbers in as without them I feel that the readers will get confused as to finding the article they want to read; otherwise they are going to have to just flick through until the find the right one, which, no doubt, ca become very annoying and may cause the readers to get bored and stop reading.
I was looking at all of the magazine covers together and noticed that two of them have 'Top ten revision tips' at the start of their magazine (Top right and bottom middle). I feel that this is because they are considered as one of the most important articles in the magazine. I also noticed that the 'competition' and 'Horoscope' articles are nearer the bottom of the contents page; maybe suggesting that they are less important than the ones closer to the top. I am going to take this in to account hen creating my contents and I will come up with a structure that has the most important articles at the top (the front of the magazine) and the less important articles nearer the bottom (the back of the magazine).
Overall I feel my research was a success and I am looking forward to creating my magazine contents page and will continue to research deeper in to what needs to be included and also the layout of the contents. I will also carry my knowledge through the school magazine and also in to the music magazine I am going to create later on in the year.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Magazine Conventions

Magazine Conventions

I searched 'Magazine Cover conventions' a website called The conventions I found in the slide were;
-Mast head
-Main featured article
-Free posters (if the magazine was brought)
-Main picture/ Featured article pictures
-More articles that the magazine will feature
-A banner including the actors that will be featured in the magazine
I have found out that these make up a magazine cover and help the viewer/ buyer see what is in the magazine without actually looking in it. I also see that they have used a lure, of free posters, to further entice the viewers in to buying the magazine. I feel that all magazines need to have this to show the readers what is it, I have also noticed that most magazines do, in fact have these certain conventions. I have also noticed that without one of these certain conventions the magazine may not do as well as it could do; e.g. If there were no information about articles in the magazine on the front cover people may not stop to look through the magazine and therefore not buy it.
I am going to use these in both of my magazine tasks, however I feel that some of them I may not need in my school magazine i.e A banner about the actors that would be featured in the magazine, however I could possibly change this to what students and teachers are featured in the magazine.

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Models & Mise en Scene

Models & Mise en Scene

Today I am going to be thinking about who to use as my model, ie. groups of people, just one person? and what my overall magazine cover is going to look like.

Photographs for the magazine...

I would like to only have one student on the cover as I feel that I want the audience to be focusing on one thing and I also find that because she is studying it may be best if she was by herself so that she wouldn`t be getting distracted, it may also show the audience that you don`t have to just study in groups. However in my other photographs for the magazine, I would like to have a few group pictures, just to show that Christmas and school are about friendship. I also feel that having group photograph will also help portray the school better, showing that it has a good atmosphere and is a friendly place to be.
For my front cover I would like to have my model sitting or standing against the tree in the quad, as she is a sixth former I will need to think about her having some thing with the Beaver wood badge on, and I would like her to e studying. I am going to get my model to have some silver/ blue tinsel around her neck and hopefully have her wearing a Santa hat. I have decided against trying to get some fake snow as It cannot be purchased at this point in the year and I am not going to have much of the background in focus in anyway as I am going to use a shallow depth of field when taking the photograph. I will have my model holding a text book or folder, hopefully I will be able to get one with the Beaver wood logo on and I am going to have her looking in to the text book smiling, to show that she is enjoying what she is studying. I am going to take the picture looking at the side view of my model so that I can see the side of her face and that she is smiling.
In the other photographs I am going to use some of the other locations around school, then I will have groups and single people sitting around with tinsel and Santa hats to carry on my theme of Christmas. I will hopefully also have them giving each other Christmas presents.
I hope to take my photographs at some point this week or by next week at the latest, this means that today I need to speak to my models and arrange when to take the photograph and also who can bring in a the props if I cannot get one of them.

Magazine Cover layout...

This is how I would like my cover to be layed out, I will explain in more detail below the illustration of the front cover.


In this drawing, I have shown that my border will be gold and that my title will be red and green, this is keeping with what my audience want as the colour scheme and also keeping with the theme of Christmas. I would like to have the photograph of my model taking up most of the space on the cover as I feel that this would draw more attention to my magazine, I feel that it will also show the theme that I picked better as well, as my model will be wearing tinsel and a Santa hat. I also think that in the top right hand corner of the magazine I will put an image of the Beaver wood badge on there, this is so that it is clear that it is a Beaver wood magazine and not for just any school.
 I am looking forward to starting to design my magazine as I am really enjoying planning it and cannot wait to see the final outcome!!

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

School Magazine Questionnaire Results

I gave out my Questionnaire to 15 people, who are 6th formers, these are the results that I have gotten from the handing out questionnaires.


Q1. What do you think is the best name for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were asked to choose one answer from the four that were listed.
In my results I can see that a majority of people would like the magazine to have the name ‘The Daily B’, so this will be the name for my magazine. I feel that this will show that I am creating the magazine to my audience`s wants/expectations.

Q2. What would you be willing to pay for a school magazine?

-          The sixth formers were again asked to pick one answer from the four that were listed.

From my results I can see that most people will only be willing to take the magazine if it is free. I think that I will have to make my magazine Christmas edition free as this would attract more people to take the magazine. However I could have it so that if other editions of the magazine were to be published, they could cost 50p.
Q3. What articles would you like to see in a school magazine?
        - For this question I listed seven different options and allowed my audience to pick more than one option as there will be more than one article listed on the contents page and in the magazine.
 From my results I can see that the most popular article that people would like to see in the magazine is ‘Teacher/ Student gossip’ I will defiantly be including this I n my magazine as I feel it will draw most people in to taking the magazine. The second most popular choice was ‘Exam tips’, I think this is another definite article to go in to the magazine as it will not only draw them into it but it will also help them with their studies and exams. ‘Term dates’ is a popular choice, however not as popular as the first two, I think that maybe one page could be included with this information on as even though not as many people picked it, I feel that it is vital information that should be in any school magazine. ‘Art/ Photography and Tech work’ along with ‘Changes’ around school were two of the less popular articles, I am going to think whether I should add these in over the next few weeks, however I feel that I would like to include peoples work in the magazine to inspire others to do well in their subjects as well. The least popular choices are ‘Horoscopes’ and ‘GCSE results’ I do not think I will be including these in the magazine as not many people think they are that interesting although I feel that some people might benefit from having their horoscopes in the back as it would add to the fun and informal feel of the magazine.
Q4. I have chosen the theme Christmas for my magazine, what colour scheme would               you most associate with Christmas?
-          For this question I asked the people to pick one of the four answer, however if they were to pick the forth option I would need them to state what they felt would be best as the colour scheme.

From this I can see that the colour scheme that was chose most was ‘Red and Gold’, I will be now using this as my colour scheme as I also feel that they are the best colours that represent Christmas, however red and green come in as a close second, so I think that I will use red and green for my contents page.
Only one person stated ‘Other’ and they wrote down ‘Red, Green and Gold’ so I feel that by making my cover themed Red and Gold and my contents page themed red and green I will be meeting nearly all of my audiences wants/ expectations from the magazine.


Q5. What would you most associate with Christmas?

       I asked my audience to pick one of the four options of what they thought most represented Christmas, the two most popular choices are the ones that I will try and include when taking my images for the magazine.
I can see that the two most popular choices are ‘Tinsel’ and ‘Snow’, ‘A Santa hat’ ranks third whereas, surprisingly, no one picked ‘Presents’. I will defiantly include Tinsel when taking my images as this is extremely easy to get hold of, however I`m going to have an issue with creating the effect of snow, as it doesn`t snow this time of year. I think that I will have to either get some fake snow from somewhere or I will have to result to using the third option, ‘A Santa hat’ which is also very easy to get hold of, yet I will try my very best to meet what my audience want and get some fake snow.
Q6. Would you like to have the chance to get free text books within the magazines?
            -I asked my audience to tick a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer, depending on their own individual answer to the question.

Here, I can see that 100% of my audience said ‘Yes’ they would like to have the chance to get free texts books, so this will defiantly be within my magazine somewhere, however obviously the school or any shop cannot just give out 1000 free texts books, so I will probably have to make it in to a competition and have 5 winners get free texts books so that the school doesn’t start to lose a lot of money.
Q7. Would you like the chance to enter different subject competitions?
-          I asked my audience if they would like to be able to enter different subject competitions, for prizes and if they picked ‘Yes’ I asked them what competitions they would like to enter would be.
From this chart, I can see that most people said ‘No’, they wouldn`t enter competitions, however a lot of people also said ‘Yes’, they would enter competitions put in to the magazines, this creates the idea that I could combine the ‘Free text book’ idea with this Competition idea. A majority of people said that they would enter the competition if it was photography, however Dance, Drama and Ict also got one vote each, so I would probably chose to do a photograph competition as I feel that this would allow anyone to take part; you don`t have to be a photography student to take a picture and It can be done with Phones and iPods as well as DSLR and compact cameras.
Examples of my returned questionnaires
Here are two of my returned questionnaires which I scanned in to the computer to post on my blog. These questionnaires show that I have listened to what my audience want and have also been fair to everyone when analysing my results.


I feel that so far, my research is going well and I am going to try to carry on my research by looking at different layouts for my magazine in detail. I also feel that I am going to be able to meet my audience expectations with my finished magazine and I cannot wait to start designing and thinking about doing a music magazine in the future.

Friday 14 September 2012



Today in Media, I created a questionnaire to send out to other Year 12 and Year 13 sixth formers. This is the questionnaire I sent out: 
I am going to send the questionnaire out to around 15 - 20 sixth formers, I will then collect and analise the results. I will take the answers that most people have ticked/ suggested and apply/put them in to my magazine, this will then help my magazine to suit my target audience and will also help me know what to put on my contents page. It may also help me to develop more ideas of what to put on the contents page of my magazine and what else I would need as props in my front cover and contents page photographs. I feel that sending this questionnaire out will help bridge the gap of what to include in my magazine.
My next post will include my results from my questionnaire and what I plan to do with them, I hope to be able to post this next week.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Locations around the School

Locations around the School

I am going to anaylise three locations around the school that I thought appeared to be suitable for the front cover of my magazine that I am going to create. I took a photograph of each of them so I could refer back to it.

The Quad

This is the first location I took a photograph of and is the one that I would most like to use on my cover, this is because I like the tree that stands on the middle of the quad, I feel that it represents alot for my school as it is as old as the building itself. I also feel that it would be a great location as it has the school building in the background; highlighting to the reader of the magazine that it is definitely about/ for a school. I feel that this looks like a perfect study place for students and will portray this idea to the reader.
I would like to have my student as a sixth former so I would need to have her holding a text book with the school logo on the front, to make it clearer to the reader that it is for Beaver wood school- not any other school. I will also have to make sure that there are no bins in the area where I take the photo (There are bins around the quad, however they can`t be seen in this photograph).
I also want my theme of my magazine to be Christmas, so I will need to take the photo when there is no sun, to create the effect that it is nearing end of term and Christmas is coming. Also I will have to be careful not to get any of the green leaves in the image, as this would destroy the idea of the magazine being Christmas themed as the tree would change colour and drop its leaves before the end of term.

The Sixth form Block

This is the second location that I took a photograph of. I like this location as it has the beaver wood logo on the wall, this would show that the magazine is for beaver wood without having to worry about getting a textbook with the logo on. It will also compliment my model, who will be a sixth former. However other sixth formers may be walking in and out of the block whilst I try and take the photograph, this could compliment the image in one way, but I feel it would take the main focus off of my model.
I could use the stairs for my model to sit on and take the photograph there, however I might not be able to get the logo in from the wall as the photograph has to be a medium shot of a student/ sixth former.
I will also have to be careful of bins being within the shot; I would have to move them so they were out of shot. I want my theme to be Christmas, so I would have to use tinsel with my model to show this as there would not be any Christmas decorations up at this time of the year and I will also have to be careful at what time of day I take the photograph as I do not want to get bright sunlight in the image as this would portray that it wasn`t Christmas to the readers.

Inside the main Building

This is the third location that I took a photograph of. I do not like this location very much although I may use it within my other photographs for my magazine. I will have to move the bins out of the way when/if I took a photograph in this location and I would have to take it after school or when I have a free period as otherwise there would be students everywhere in the corridor and it would make it impossible to take an image.
The theme I want to use for my magazine is Christmas and I feel that this location has a more halloweeny feel to it as it is an empty corridor.  If I took my front cover photograph here I would have my model standing to one side, so that the viewers/ readers could see down the hall.

Other Locations

I could also use the front of the school for photographs as it would then show what school the magazine was for, however it would be difficult to get the whole of the school within the background of the photograph.
    * * *

Overall my favourite location is The Quad, I feel that this would be the best location to take my front cover image and I could still incorporate the other locations in to my other photographs that I will need to take for inside the magazine.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

School Magazine research continued...

School Magazine research continued...

This is another school magazine that I found on google images, I am unsure of what school it is from, however there appears to be a school logo in the top right hand corner of the page. This is more of what I would expect a school magazine to look like; with students clearly on the front. The date can also clearly be seen, I feel that the date on the cover of a magazine is extremely important for the readers, I will make sure my cover has a date which can clearly be seen.
I find that this magazine cover is telling the reader that inside there is text about a new building, and I also think that the photograph behind the students may be the new building, as it reads 'New Humanities Building'.
I overall like this front cover as I feel that it is telling the readers about what is inside and the photographs and the on the front clearly show that it is a school magazine. I like how they have overlayed a two images and how they have cut and pasted the two students on to the cover; I feel that this further helps showing that this is a school magazine. However the two students are cut out and pasted on to the cover badly; I feel that this takes away the professional look of the cover.
The colours used for the text also stand out extremely well, contrasting with the background, I will take this in to mind when creating my own front cover. I also find that the bright colours help make it eye catching.
I also like the idea of the school logo being in one of the top corners, I feel that this clearly tells the reader/viewer before they even pick it up, that it is from/ for that certain school. I am going to also take this in to mind and maybe add it into my cover.
I feel that this magazine cover is alot better than the first magazine cover I looked at, as I feel that this gives off more information about what is inside without having to open it and look at the contents page.

School Magazine Location and Thoughts

School Magazine Location and Thoughts

In media, today, we started to discuss the themes and locations that we could use in our school magazine preliminary task.
The themes that we came up with, were,
-Bomb fire night
-Easter, and
I feel that I would like to theme my magazine themed around Christmas, as this is my favourite holiday. I have many ideas of how to show that my magazine is themed around Christmas;
-Have my model interacting with tinsel i.e. Wrapped around her neck, shoulders or in her hair.
-Have my model wearing a hat or a scarf to show that it is getting colder
-Have my model wearing Christmas earrings or a Christmas necklace
-I could also have her holding a present.
We were taken around the school to view different locations that we could use to take our photographs in, these locations featured;
-The front of the school
-The sixth form block
-Inside the school main building itself, and
-The quad
I would like to take my front cover photograph in the quad, as I feel that this location gives me many options in how to lay the photograph out. I would like to have my model leaning against the tree in the quad, perhaps holding a text book to show that she is at school, as I would like to do a sixth form magazine, and as I want Christmas as my magazine theme, I could have her with tinsel in her hair or draped around her shoulders.
I would also have to think about the lighting in the photograph, as because I want to do an Christmas themed magazine, it would not make sense if there was alot of sunlight within the image; I would have to take the photo on a cloudy day; this would help portray that it was nearing Christmas.
The photograph also has to be a medium head shot of a student, so I will have to take this in to mind when taking the photograph. I will also have to make sure that there are no bins or litter in the background when composing the photograph as this would destroy the main purpose of the image and take the main focus away from the student and on to the litter/ litter bin behind.
I will also take photographs in other locations, to give me a wide range of images to chose from; in case I do not like the image I have taken at the quad.
We also have been told to think of colours that people associated with or chosen theme;
I have chosen Christmas so I feel that the main colours associated with that holiday are;
-Red and Green
I could then use these colours for my font or for a border around the photographs I take. I feel that then this would instantly tell the readers/viewers that my magazine was around the theme of Christmas instead of them having to guess.
I currently have in mind a photograph I would like to have as my front cover;
A sixth former sitting/ standing by the tree (location; the Quad) holding a textbook(perhaps with the Beaver wood symbol on the front) with tinsel around her neck. I would like to use a shallow depth of field when taking the image. My ideas may change when I actually come to taking the photographs as I may find a more suitable location that appeals to the magazine more.
I am looking forward to taking the photographs as I can use my photography skills and I also enjoy taking photographs as well.

Friday 7 September 2012

School Magazine Annotation


School Magazine Annotation

This is the Beaverwood school times magazine, it was published during May 2012. My first overall impression of the magazine is that it is eye catching. The colours use are very bright and also fit with the theme of 'spring', I also noticed the 'B' of Beaverwood and the 'T' of times has been put into a font that also fits with the theme.
The magazine also has two sub headings which lead onto articles about things that have happened in the world. I feel that they have used this information because then the pupils can get up to date on what is going on in the world; even if they do not watch the news or read the paper.
However I have realised that there is nothing about things that are going on at school on the front of the paper, although there may be some on the inside, and feel that pupils and teachers may not pick up the magazine because of this. 
The layout of the magazine is very organised; making it easy to read and understand, I feel that this is essential in a magazine as if the readers/viewers cannot understand it, they will not buy it.

However, overall I feel that this magazine cover looks more like something that you would find on the inside pages of a magazine. I feel that the cover should have a small line or two about all of the stories on the inside; I feel that this would make it easy for the reader to understand what was on the inside without having to look through the magazine.

My thoughts on the tasks ahead

My thoughts on the tasks ahead

Today in Media I discovered that I have to complete a preliminary task; which is creating a front and contents page of a school magazine and that my main task (which is 50% of my grade) is to create a front cover, a content page and a double page spread of a music magazine, which has a genre of my choice.
I am looking forward to creating these magazines and I know that my photography skills will help me in doing this as I have created a music magazine cover (etc.) before. I am looking forward to the music magazine alot more because I get to chose the genre of the music and therefore I feel that it becomes more personal as I get to chose something that I am 'in to'. I have alot of ideas for the front cover of this page, as I feel that I want to do a 'Punk-Rock' genre of magazine although I know this could change;
-A photograph of one of my friends playing the guitar dressed in 'emo/punk' clothing
-I could research 'Kerrang' as they are a well known music magazine and do alot of different punk/rock genre magazines.
I also think that I may find creating a school magazine harder to create as I haven`t yet read, or seen one so I do not know what to include inside it however I feel this can be cleaned up by a little research e.g. Beaverwood has its own school magazine; 'The Beaverwood Times' I feel that looking into this may give me more ideas and will clear up my concerns about what will need to go on the contents and front page.
Overall I'm excited about the tasks ahead and at the moment I do not have any concerns about completing them.